What is the difference btw=between xylem and phloem?
Answer: xylem transport water from the root to shoot while phloem transport food and nutrients to the leaf
Xylem carries water and minerals from root to leaves.
It carries water and minerals unidirectionally.
Four elements are there in xylem:Tracheids,
Vessels,Xylem parenchyma and xylem sclerenchyma.
Out of 4 elements,except xylem parenchyma all other elements are dead.
It provides mechanical strength to plant
Conducting channels are tracheids and vessels.
Phloem carries food and other substances from leaves to various shortage organs of plant(Stem,shoot etc)
It carries food and other substance bidirectionally.
Four elements are there in phloem:-Sieve tubes,Companion cell,Phloem parenchyma,PhloemSclerenchyma.
Out of 4 elements,except phloem sclerenchyma all other elements are living.
It does not provide any mechanical strength.
Conducting channels are sieve tubes and companion cell.