what is the extent of torrid zone temperate zone frigid zone
The torrid zone refers to the area of the earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Geographically, the torrid zone is defined by 23.5 degrees north latitude and 23.5 degrees south latitude.
The temperate zone is divided into north temperate zone and south temperate zone. The north temperate zone extends from tropic of cancer 23 1/2° N to Arctic circle 66 1/2° N. The south temperate zone extends from tropic of capricorn 23 1/2° S to Antarctic circle 66 1/2° S.
In the center of the zone (the pole) the day is one year long with six months of daylight and six months of night. The frigid zones are the coldest regions of Earth and are generally covered in ice and snow. It receives slanting rays of the sun as this region lies farthest from the equator
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