what is the format for writing a newspaper report
byline (name of the author)
place line
-catches reader interst
-most important info
-introduction topic
-answer most of the 5w's)
may itzz help u....
What is Report Writing?
A report is a written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated. It is a systematic and well organised presentation of facts and findings of an event that has already taken place somewhere. Reports are used as a form of written assessment to find out what you have learned from your reading, research or experience and to give you experience of an important skill that is widely used in the work place. .
Format of a newspaper report
i.Headline- A descriptive title which is expressive of the contents of the report. ii. By line- Name of the person writing the report along with the designation. It is generally given in the question. Remember, you are not supposed to mention your personal details in your answer. iii. Place and date of reporting- It is generally not mentioned in a magazine report separately, but here, it is. iv. Opening paragraph- It includes expansion of the headline. It needs to be short as it is a general overview of the report. v. Account of the event in detail- It is generally written in two parts: First, complete account of what happened in it’s chronological sequence (preferably) and second, the witness remarks. vi. Concluding paragraph- This will include the action that has been taken so far or that will be taken. It is the last paragraph.