what is the main difference between weekly market and neighboneighborhood shop (any 3 points )
Weekly Markets
Markets held on a weekly basis are known as weekly markets and they do not have permanent shops.
The products here are cheaper because the do not have to incur expenses like wages pf workers, electricity.These shop owners sell things they produce at home and are helped by their family members.
There are a number of shops selling the same products this means there is competition between shopkeepers which is profitable to the buyer who can buy products at a cheaper rate.
The major advantage of this market is that there is a huge variety of products and buyers do not have to go to different places or shops to buy different products.
Neighbourhood Markets
Neighbourhood shops are convenient for the public as they are open daily and various products are available at different shops. Many shops are permanent and some are temporary like hawkers and vendors.
The major advantages of these markets are that they are in the vicinity of our homes, there is an understanding between the buyer and the seller and we can get products on credit.