What is the number of digits in the number (1024)4 * (125)11
The number of digits in the number are
before decimal there is only one number and after decimal there is 37 numbers.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given : Number
To find : What is the number of digits in the given number?
Solution :
To find the number of digits in the given number we have to solve the power and then multiply them
Step 1 - Write the number
Step 2 - Solve the power
Step 3 - Multiply the numbers
So, The number of digits in the number are
before decimal there is only one number and after decimal there is 37 numbers.
37 is answer dear
Step-by-step explanation:
The number of digits in the number =1.28\times 10^{35}=1.28×1035 are
before decimal there is only one number and after decimal there is 37 numbers.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given : Number (1024)^4\times (125)^{11}(1024)4×(125)11
To find : What is the number of digits in the given number?
Solution :
To find the number of digits in the given number we have to solve the power and then multiply them
Step 1 - Write the number
(1024)^4\times (125)^{11}(1024)4×(125)11
Step 2 - Solve the power
=1.0995116278\times 10^{12}\times 1.1641532183\times 10^{23}=1.0995116278×1012×1.1641532183×1023
Step 3 - Multiply the numbers
=1.28\times 10^{35}=1.28×1035
So, The number of digits in the number =1.28\times 10^{35}=1.28×1035 are
before decimal there is only one number and after decimal there is 37 numbers.