History, asked by uvs107, 1 year ago

What is the role of french philosophers in bringing french revolution?


Answered by chaseyoung


The idea to govern the world always comes from philosophers. France, in the 18th century, produced great philosophers and thinkers. Great philosophers like Voltaire, Montesquieu and above all Rousseau paved the way for the French revolution.

Voltaire (1694–1778) - He became famous as a great writer and critic. In his brilliant satirical style, and through his plays and writings, he launched bitter attacks against the church and the state. He made fun of the nobles and the way they behaved and governed. He was against absolute monarchy. As an essay writer Voltaire defended freedom of speech and religious tolerance. Macaulay, an English writer, wrote: “Of all the intellectual weapons ever wielded by man, the mockery of Voltaire was the most terrible.” It was said later about Voltaire, “One man dared to speak for the rights of the oppressed people. ….He educated masses to think and act. …. This man, a hundred years ahead of his time, was Voltaire… the great humanitarian of the 18th century.” (From the introductory title of a film Voltaire.)

Montesquieu (1689–1755) - Another great philosopher, he supported constitutional monarchy in France like the English one. He wanted power to be shared between the King and the nobles and the third estate. To prevent anyone of the three classes from becoming too powerful. Montesquieu suggested the making of new constitution based on checks and balances. He propagated the theory of separating powers into three branches of government - the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary. If this was done, he argued, there would be no tyranny and the liberty of the individual could be made safe.

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) - He was probably the greatest philosopher of the age. In his famous book “Social Contract”, he explained that the King and his subjects are parties to a contract, and therefore, if the King does not rule the people according to their general will, he loses their loyalty. The people have every right to overthrow the monarchy under such circumstances. Rousseau advocated Popular Sovereignty Theory. It was Rousseau who said, “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” Even Napoleon declared that if Rousseau had never lived there would have been no Revolution in France. It is true that without Rousseau, the Revolution would have followed a different course. True Sovereignty, according to Rousseau, was not simply the will of those in power but rather the general will. He emphasized equality and freedom of the citizens. The sovereign must secure freedom and equality of citizens. Rousseau preached a novel and powerful social gospel to the people who were oppressed and inexperienced.


Ideas of philosphers played an important role in bringing about the french revolution . They popularised the idea of french society based on equality and freedom of individuals . Philosophers like Rousseau and John Locke criticised the DOCTORINE OF DIVINE and ABSOLUTE RULE OF THE KING

Answered by ANGRY74

Question :-

Write about the three main french philosophers and their role in french revolution 1789

Answer :-

The role of philosophers in the French revolution are as follows :-

(1) During 18 th century , France had many revolutionary thinkers.Among them were Voltaire , Rousseau , Montesquieu and Dederot .Their revolutionary ideas helped the people to fight for their rights .

(2) They exposed the inefficiency of the monarch and and his government.

(3)Voltaire's ideas encouraged people to fight against the privileges and finance of the Church without guilt.

(4) John Locke propounded the ideas refuting divinity and absolute rights of monarch.

(5) Montesquieu believed that all the powers should not be concentrated in one person's hand.

(6)Rousseau asserted the doctrine of democracy and popular sovereignty. He believed that the government should be based on the consent if the governed .He wrote a book known as " Social Contract" .

(7) Thus the ideas of the philosophers were a direct attack on privileges and feudal rights which protected the upper classes. They played a vital role in bringing about the revolution.

Hope it helps ❤ Mrk as brainliest

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