what is theta theory
Theta Theory:
θ-theory is the module that deals with the valency requirements of verbs. It incorporates a set of participant roles, called Theta Roles. Their distribution in sentence structure is mediated chiefly by the Projection Principle and the Theta-Criterion. This theory is going to be presented in the coming sections.
I-2- On Theta Theory:
Thematic theory, or theta theory, is a sub-theory of universal Grammar, which deals with the valency requirements of verbs. As I mentioned in the previous section, it incorporates a set of principles regulating the assignment of thematic roles. In this way, Riemsdijk (1986) defines theta theory as the basic logical notion “argument of”, a notion that any theory of Grammar must account for. He goes on to add that the aim of this theory is to determine which NP can be an argument of a verb. That’s why to designate arguments of a verb, terms as agent, goal, patient …are commonly used.
In the same way, Sadiqi (1992) confirms that theta theory is to determine the semantic relationship between constituents in a structure. To present these relationships, this theory employs two basic principles, namely the theta criterion and the projection principle.