What made Dr. Andrew feel giddy and almost faint after the revival of the child?
There were two factors that made Dr. Andrew feel giddy and almost faint after the revival of the child. The first factor was the excitement and happiness that he felt at the child’s revival. His strivings to save the child had fructified. This happiness was intoxicating. Secondly, he had been dead tired. He had been up since morning and busy throughout the day. He had a very disturbing meeting with Christine, his girlfriend. As he had reached home he had been met by Mr. Morgan to his house. So he had to keep awake till dawn until the baby was born and revived.
Dr. Andrew Manson felt a pressing sense of defeat and hopelessness. He then remembered a case that he had seen in Smaritan. He immediately ordered the nurse to get two basins. He filled one with cold water and the other with water as hot as the hand could bear. Then he put the child in a blanket and alternatively dipped it in both the basins, but all in vain. He then tried to rub the body of the child with a rough towel. But this did not work either. Finally, he pressed the child's pigmy chest with his hands and mucus came out of one of his nostrils. Then came the child's cry and his pale sking turned pink. Andrew almost felt faint and dizzy due to over exhaustion.