what was galilious contribution to antonomny?
Galileo refined the concept of a telescope and was able to make telescopes with more than 30x magnification. He used his telescope to make significant discoveries.
Perhaps the most significant discovery at the time was the four major moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. This completely went against Aristotle's principles that all heavenly bodies orbited the Earth.
He also discovered that the Milky Way was not a cloud, but was made of many stars.
He discovered the phases of Venus which proved that Venus doesn't orbit the Earth. He made observations of other planets and stars.
The Catholic Church put him on trial and convicted him of heresy for advocating a heliocentric model of the solar system. He was placed under house arrest and his publications were banned.
Galileo made major contribution to many branches of science and Albert Einstein called him the father of modern science.
Hope it’s help you