what was the incident that inspire agha shahid ali to write the poem barcelona airport?
Agha Shahid was stopped by a security guard at Barcelona Airport and the guard enquire about his profession when Shahid answered that he is a poet. Afterward, guard asked him that what he was doing in Spain, Shahid answered that he was writing poetry. Finally the guard asked him that was he carrying anything dangerous which is harmful for the other passengers. Then Shahid said that “only my heart”. With this inspiration derived from this incident, Shahid conclude his poem “Snow on the Desert” as below:
“And just before the lights did flood her
again, melting the frost
of her diamond
into rays, it was, like this turning dark
of fog, a moment when only a lost sea
can be heard, a time
to recollect
every shadow, everything the earth was losing,
a time to think of everything the earth
and I had lost, of all
that I would lose,
of all that I was losing.”