What was the reason for the success of martin luther reformation movement in germany?
Fundamentally Luther succeeded because his ideas appealed to people of all classes. In its maturity his theology was seen as revolutionary in economic, social, and political—as well as intellectual and doctrinal ways. The printing press quickly made Luther’s ideas more accessible and assured that they were recorded in permanent forms. Political circumstances also favored Luther and Lutheranism. The protection provided to Luther by his local prince meant that Luther’s ideas took hold before resistance to them could be felt.
Thus, far more than theology was at issue in Luther’s revolt and in its success. The papacy, triumphant over the councils, had become embroiled in Italian politics. The Rome Luther visited as a young man was to him a shocking spectacle of intrigue and ostentation. One reason for Luther’s success was his attack on practices already abhorrent to many; another was his specific attack on the exploitation of Germans by Italians.