what were the challenges facing India in building an administrative structure?
The emer(in( debate on the issues of administrati&e effecti&eness has attracted the attention of scholars and olicy ma)ers of the de&eloin( and transitional economies of the #orld to e*lore the &arious asects of such issues and their lin) #ith administration and de&eloment+
In the contemorary era of de&eloment, the imortance of Administration has been enhanced o&er the eriod of time #hich contributed a lot to the disciline of olitical science and ublic administration+
Administration can be considered as an inte(ral art of the olitical rocess for the smooth runnin( of the system and mana(ement of affairs for ublic (ood+
The much debated concet of de&eloment administration ro&ides t#o ne# aroaches in the study of ublic administration such as
‘administratie s!stem approach"
and !
social s!stem approach
$ +
Ilchman 165. &ie#s
deelopment administration
as a sub-disciline and therefore di&ides the ractitioners into t#o broad schools such as the
administratie s!stem approach
and the
social s!stem approach.
'i((s refers to de&eloment administration as /an or(anised effort to carry out ro(rammes or roects initiated by those in&ol&ed in ser&in( de&eloment obecti&es+