English, asked by audreyfrary4419, 7 months ago

What were the excueses that the parents would make ?


Answered by Anonymous


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LackiiBrainly Challenger

A child’s mind wanders to each and everything which catches his fancy. While his parents are going ahead with all their attention on reaching the fair, the child enjoys every beauty of nature’s creation. The child enjoys the sight of dragonfly fluttering. Next moment he is engrossed in collecting beautiful flower petals. The very next moment he is appreciating the gait of swan.

Once in the fair his mind is wandering on everything on display. Right from colourful sweetmeats to balloons to garland to the snake his eyes are devouring everything on sight.

The child’s mind lives in the present and never thinks or bothers about past or future. This is what the author has tried to portray.

While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to keep pace with his parents.

Like any child he wants everything from the fair. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. But he knows that his father won’t be buying anything and would give some or other excuse for not doing so. In a way this shows that child has matured as well. He knows how to control his urges. He also understands that because of some reasons he won’t be in a pposition to have each and everything from fair.

It is difficult to explain if he understands the right reason of his father refusing to get most of the things for him. Like all good parents his father may be wishing not to spoil his kid. While the child may be getting a wrong message that his father is always furious and adamant.

When he wishes to get a ride on the roundabout and calls for his parents he gets no reply. Then the child realizes that he is lost and separated from his parents.

Answered by Anonymous


Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to keep pace with his parents. Like any child he wants everything from the fair. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. But he knows that his father won't be buying anything and would give some or other excuse for not doing so.

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