History, asked by shobha5, 1 year ago

what were the factors which led to the spread of Buddhism outside India


Answered by MOSFET01
Buddhism gained wide acceptance and its popularity spread like wild fire throughout India. Various causes were response accounted for the rise and spread of Buddhism. In recorded time, every nook and corner of the country reverberated with the prayers of the monks (bhikshus) and the lay-worshippers (Upasikas).

1. Influence of Time:

6th Century B.C. was an ideal time for the spread of Buddhism. It was a time when people were fed up with the superstitions, complex rituals and rites and blind beliefs. The message of the Buddha came as a welcome relief to people already groaning under the oppressive weight of Brahmanism. They were easily drawn to Buddhism by the simplicity of its faith and its religious tolerance.

2. Simple Doctrines:

As compared with Jainism, Buddhism was essentially simple. It did not confuse the people. Rather its ‘Arya Satya’ ‘Eight-fold Path and ‘concept of non-violence’ were so simple that people could easily understand and follow these. Buddhism also lacked the severity of Jainism, as well as the complexity of Vedic rituals. The people, already fed up with Brahminical manipulations of Vedic religion, came to accept Buddhism as a soothing and refreshing change.

3. Simple Language:

The Buddha spread his message in the simple language of the masses of people. The Prakrit language which Buddha used was the spoken language of India. The Vedic religion was understood only with the help of Sanskrit language which was the monopoly of the Brahmins. Buddhism was easily understood and people accepted it after being convinced about its simple philosophy and pleasing message.

4. Personality of Buddha:

The personality of the Buddha endeared him and his religion to the masses. The Buddha was kind and ego-less. His calm composure, sweet words of simple philosophy and his life of renunciation drew the masses to him. He had ready moral solutions for problems of the people. His example of a prince renouncing the world to save humanity from sins and rebirth and wandering from place to place to convince the people with his messages and sermons came to naturally evoke awe, admiration and acceptance of the people for him and his religion. The spread of Buddhism was thus rapid.

5. Inexpensive:

Buddhism was inexpensive, without the expensive rituals that characterized the Vedic religion. Practical morality, not rites and expensive rituals, came as its beacon feature and helped to set up a healthy tradition in society. It advocated a spiritual path without any material obligations of satisfying gods and Brahmins through rituals and gifts. People competed to embrace Buddhism.

6. No Caste Harried:

Buddhism did not believe in cast-distinctions. It opposed that caste system and regarded people of all castes equally. Its followers sat together, forgetting their caste and discussed ethics and morality. The non-Brahmins in particular were drawn to its fold. Its popularity spread by leaps and bounds.

7. Royal Patronage:

Royal patronage of Buddhism also accounted for its rapid rise. The Buddha himself was a Kshatriya prince. Kings like Prasenjit, Bimbisara, Ajatasatru, Asoka, Kanishka and Harshavardhan patronised Buddhism and helped its spread throughout India and outside, as well. Asoka deputed his children, Mahendra and Sanghamitra, to Sri Lanka for the spread of Buddhism. Kanishka and Harshavardhan worked untiringly for the spread of Buddhism throughout India.

8. Role of the Universities:

Prominent was also the role of the Universities at Nalanda, Taxila, Puspagiri and Vikramsila in the spread of Buddhism. Students from various parts of India and from outside India, reading in these universities, were attracted to Buddhism and embraced it. They also dedicated themselves to the spread of Buddhism.

The famous Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang was a student of the Nalanda University. Its teachers like Shilavadra, Dharmapala, Chandrapala and Divakamitra were renowned scholars who dedicated themselv
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