What were the women's movements in India?
1. Social and religious reforms- Raja Ram Mohan Roy campaigned for abolition of Sati practice and was successful in getting a legislation enacted by company. Efforts of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar led to enactment of Widow Remarriage Act in 1856.
2. Women’s movement volunteered by men- Keshav Chandra Sen was the first to start women’s movement in Bengal and united women to form associations. Mahadev Govind Ranade (1842-1901) and his wife Ramabai also contributed greatly to the cause of women. In 1869, Ranade founded the Widow Remarriage Association and encouraged widow remarriage and female education and opposed child marriage. He founded the National Social Conference, which became a pre-eminent institution for social reform. Along with him, Narayan Ganesh Chhandawarkar and Bhandarkar worked for women rights.
3. Women’s movements volunteered by women- Ravindranath Tagore’s sister Swarnakumari started a women’s group in 1882 in Calcuta. It was the first association led by a woman. Sakhi Samiti (Society of Friends) was started in 1896. With her were associated other members of the Tagore family. The objective of the society was to assist helpless orphans and widows. The Arya Mahila Samaj was founded by Ramabai, wife of Justice Ranade, to provide a support network for newly educated women