what will happen if there are no stomata in a plant
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If there will be no stomata in plant then there will be no process of photosyntheis because there will be no exchange of gas.
transpiration process will stop which will effect the temperature of the plants as well as there will be no transport of materials
transpiration process will stop which will effect the temperature of the plants as well as there will be no transport of materials
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There's no exchange of gases both in respiration and photosynthesis. Gases get exchanged by molecular level. The hypothetical situation result in retardation of physiological function and as that leads to slow growth and death and that is why TRANSPIRATION IS SAID A NECESSARY EVIL. Excessive dryness leading to death . No absorption,no, photosynthesis, respiration, normal functionality is lost. But this is hypothetical. The plants have their own adaptation for all. ADAPTATION IS UNIQUE FOR ALL LIVING BEINGS.
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