what would happen if salmon were only able to lay 100 eggs
If female salmons were to lay only 100 eggs, of these only about 2 would survive. With this very low survival rate, salmons would soon become an extinct species.
A female salmon normally lays between 2000 to 5000 eggs before she dies. These eggs are laid in a series of depressions known as ‘redd’. Of all the young ones hatched, only about 2% will survive. The reasons for this low survival rate are natural predators and disease.
If Salmons were made to lay only 100 eggs then only 2 of them will survive. Salmons would soon be extinct species because of this survival rate. A female Salmon lay about 2000-5000 eggs in her lifetime before she dies. A large amount of eggs are laid because of very less survival rate. Only 2% of the eggs survive because of the fact that predators are present and eggs can be destroyed.