what you understand by the term the rule of law
Imagine you're walking down the street, when suddenly the police come upon you, slap cuffs on and haul you downtown for no apparent reason. To your horror, you are charged with not having a specific destination! The police tell you that you are a vagrant and define this as a person who moves from place to place without a specific destination or monetary means. You plead that you were just taking a walk. Yet, you find yourself in a world of trouble that seems to have no clear path of escape.
Scary, huh? Well, to avoid incidents like this, the rule of law comes in pretty handy. It states that no person, government official or government entity is above the law. It also states that no law can be written that is either outside the law, violates a higher law or doesn't conform with fairness.
Said a different way, laws and those who enforce them or are obligated by them must adhere to their meaning in the most impartial way. Laws and statutes must be clear enough that a reasonable person would be able to assess his own behavior to determine whether he is in violation of law.
A very important case in Florida helped change the way courts look at laws that are either too vague or do not conform to what is fair. In fact, the case went on to be the pivotal move toward changing the face of vagrancy laws completely. Let's take a look at it.