French, asked by kmalik593, 10 months ago

When to use interrogative adjective and interrogative pronouns in french?


Answered by whirlwind


Interrogative Adjectives: Grammar Basics

Interrogative adjectives in French can be masculine (quel, quels) or feminine (quelle, quelles). Like all other adjectives, they must agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify.

Here is a quick reference

Masculine Feminine

quel (singular) quelle (singular)

quels (plural) quelles (plural)

Whether you're using interrogative adjectives to modify a masculine or feminine noun, plural or singular, quel/quelle/quels/quelles is always pronounced 'kell.'

Interrogative adjectives are often used in sentences where English would use the word 'what,' e.g. 'What books do you like?,' or Quels livres aimes-tu? (kell leevrö ehm-tü). In this example, livres is the noun. It's plural and masculine, so we use the interrogative adjective quels.

Examples of the Interrogative pronouns 'Qui' and 'Que'

Qui donc t'a frappé ? > Who hit you?

Qui est-ce qui en veut ? > Who wants some ?

Qui cherchez-vous ? > Who are you looking for?

C'est à qui ? > Whose is it, to whom does it belong?

À qui le tour ? > Whose turn (is it) ?

De qui parles-tu ? > Who (ou whom) are you talking about?

Qui est-ce que tu connais ici ? > Who do you know around here?


Mark as brainliest.....

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