English, asked by surujphukan1, 1 year ago

Where was champaran?


Answered by VaibhavPrasad
Champaran is in Bihar.

Rakeshmeena1616: gujrat
Answered by guruu99

Answer: Champaran is a district in the Indian state of Bihar, located in the north-west part of the country. The district is located in the fertile Gangetic plains and is well-known for its agricultural production, particularly sugarcane and tobacco cultivation.


  • During India's struggle for independence from British rule, Champaran gained historical significance. Mahatma Gandhi arrived in Champaran in 1917 to investigate the plight of local farmers forced to grow indigo by British landlords. Farmers were required to sell their crops to landlords at a set price, which was frequently less than the cost of production. This put them in a perpetual state of debt, unable to make a living from their land.
  • Gandhi, who was still relatively unknown at the time, decided to take up the farmers' cause and launch a nonviolent campaign against the indigo planters. Gandhi's first major campaign in India helped to establish him as a leader of the Indian independence movement.
  • Because of the success of the campaign, the British government was forced to abolish the indigo plantation system. This victory fueled Gandhi's passion for fighting for India's independence through nonviolent means such as civil disobedience and peaceful protests.
  • Champaran is remembered today as an important site in India's struggle for independence, as well as a symbol of the power of nonviolent resistance. The district remains an important agricultural center and is home to numerous historical and cultural sites.

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