Which of the following is not a potential leadership substitute?a.subordinates' skill levelsb.interesting workc.self-managing work groupsd.ambiguous, novel situationse.empowerment?
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The correct answer of your question is "ambiguous, novel situations" which means the option "d" is correct one.
ambiguous, novel situations is not a potential leadership substitute. There are many individual or the organization variations etc which have the ability to act as the substitute for the leadership or this can be done for neutralizing the influence of leader on his own followers . While all the other options can be the potential leadership substitute the option "ambiguous, novel situations" don't seems to do so much in this regard.
ambiguous, novel situations is not a potential leadership substitute. There are many individual or the organization variations etc which have the ability to act as the substitute for the leadership or this can be done for neutralizing the influence of leader on his own followers . While all the other options can be the potential leadership substitute the option "ambiguous, novel situations" don't seems to do so much in this regard.
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Answer is - d
Ambiguous, novel situations are not a potential leadership substitute.
The 'substitutes for leadership' theory given by Kerr and Jermier in 1978 proposes that situational factors may substitute for leadership under some circumstances. Besides this, there are situational factors which can 'neutralise' leadership. Leader substitutes can be situational or organizational factors like job design, cohesive work group or follower characteristics like ability, training and previous experience.
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