Computer Science, asked by MilanJindal, 11 months ago

Which Option displays one record at a time so that user can enter right information in the respective fields?​


Answered by samyukthan568



Using Controls to Limit Data Entry Choices

Data entry always trips over two unfortunate facts of life: Humans are fallible creatures, and typing is an error-prone activity. Expert data entry operators can't achieve 100% accuracy (although some come remarkably close), and the rest of us can only hope for the best. In short, if your form relies on other people (or yourself, for that matter) typing in field values, it's death-and-taxes certain that your table will end up with errors.

It stands to reason, then, that you can greatly reduce the number of errors by greatly reducing the amount of typing. The best way to do that is by taking advantage of controls to generate field values automatically. Here are some examples:

If you have a Yes/No field that uses a text box, the users must enter the unintuitive values -1 (for Yes) and 0 (for No). A more intuitive approach is to use a check box (or toggle button) that the users either activate (for Yes) or clear (for No).

Suppose you have a field that can take only one of a small set of values (say, two to five values). For example, an invoice form might offer the users three choices for freight or four choices for credit cards. Again, instead of having the users type the freight choice or credit card name, you can populate the form with option buttons representing the choices.

Suppose you have a field that can take one of a relatively large set of values (more than five). For example, the field might hold a customer name or a product name. Instead of making the users look up (time-consuming) and then type (inaccurate) the value, it's both faster and more accurate to place all the possible values in a drop-down list.

Answered by abhinav11163


A form in Access is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a database application. A "bound" form is one that is directly connected to a data source such as a table or query, and can be used to enter, edit, or display data from that data source. Alternatively, you can create an "unbound" form that does not link directly to a data source, but which still contains command buttons, labels, or other controls that you need to operate your application.

This article focuses primarily on bound forms. You can use bound forms to control access to data, such as which fields or rows of data are displayed. For example, certain users might need to see only several fields in a table with many fields. Providing those users with a form that contains only those fields makes it easier for them to use the database. You can also add command buttons and other features to a form to automate frequently performed actions.

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