Environmental Sciences, asked by mohit12399, 1 year ago

which plants produce raw humus that causes podolization​


Answered by Anonymous

Algeas and Bryophites produce raw humus that causes podolization.


mohit12399: conifers do not produce humus
Answered by atulkadose1430
so it's came into my field

v'll i would like to explain first which plants thats help in formation of raw humus .

organic materials , or we can say partially decomposed biomass , plants leaf, stems that r ditached due to unchatchment, eartheworms many that r contrubiting in formation of humus.

podolization or we can say formation of soil specially in humid region
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atulkadose1430: yup sure
atulkadose1430: wait
atulkadose1430: but let me know which topic
mohit12399: for environmental science whole objective questions
atulkadose1430: so it will cover whole syllabi inculding not only soil profil ,whereas hydro bio lit all aspect
atulkadose1430: nice
atulkadose1430: but there is no such book for all you have to buy in set
mohit12399: tell me
atulkadose1430: added in ans
atulkadose1430: if required more let me know
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