English, asked by issajattmanpreetsing, 11 months ago

Who , according to you , is the protagonist in the comic you have just read ? Give reasons for your answer .​


Answered by saideepak708



The story is about the season of autumn.

There were two trees the olive tree and the Fig tree.

Due to the autumn, the fig tree lost his leaves and the olive tree was flourished.

Looking at the fact the olive tree became proud and started bragging about his qualities.

The fig tree tried to tell him that this thing is out of their control and the qualities are God gifted and their destiny.

After some days the snow fell and stuck in the leaves of olive tree but didn't bother the fig tree as it was leafless.

It shows that pride has no destiny.

The protagonist is the fig tree in this story.

Learn more about pride with preposition.

Answered by madeducators3

The protagonist in the comic:-


  • Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of the novel. Most of the events and characters are described from her point of view, and readers gain access to new information and insights only when she does.
  • Elizabeth wants to build an independent life for herself with a partner she truly loves and respects.The most common definition of protagonist is the leading character of a drama or literary work.
  • You can see the relation to its Greek root word in the sense that the character is important in the plot. Sometimes, the term hero refers to a male protagonist. Heroine refers to a female protagonist.
  • The protagonist faces challenges, particularly the central challenge or conflict within the story. The protagonist wants or needs something (has a goal).
  • The antagonist's actions are interfering with the protagonist's ability to achieve the goal. The protagonist makes choices or decisions, which are usually difficult.
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