who does not dies .
There are a number of organisms which are considered to be immortal.
The lobster has no brain and has a central nervous system as simple as insect. But they are defying death everyday. They never age. They just grow bigger and fatter.
As the name suggest this jellyfish is actually immortal. When this jellyfish has had enough of his adulthood, it can become a polyp (child stage) again by reabsorbing it's tentacles and turning inside-out. Then the polyps again grows into a full mature adult. This jellyfish can repeat the same process numerous times which makes them immortal.
They are actually animals and have known to be living for 15000 years. They are even older than pyramids.
They are microscopic immortal beings. Every defective, infectious or damaged cell in their body is constantly replaced by healthy cells by division of other cells in it's body. They are constantly replenishing their living cells and hence they never age at all.