*Whom is he a friend who friends a friend ?*
friendship friendship is a relationship of affection between people it is stronger form of interpersonal bond
My dear friend, I understand your situation very intelligibly. From the question of yours, I came to a point, that whom you call your friend to be true is not a ' true friend' to you. Reduce your contact with that ' true' friend of yours. Seriously, please limit your communication with that person. If you can try to block that person from your mind.
If a person whom you consider to be your true friend,who doesn't even allocate time for you, to listen to your problems, to help you solve them, who doesn't take part in your happiness, is not even' worthy ' to call as a Friend.
Understand that, in this competitive and selfish world, you can't expect people to be true to you. The persons who call themselves to be true, are the ones who stab you, in your back. Mark my words, because I have experienced this. I know a person who kept on calling herself to be true, and on one fine day, she prepared a pit for me. Thank God, due to my good character and overwhelming personality I escaped*wink*.
If you feel like sharing everything, write it down in your personal diary.
Please don't place your trust in anybody. Finally you are one, who is going to get hurt.
Your mother or your father can be your best and ' true' friend. Their friendship is so pure, pure to the core.
Smile at random people. Have a charming and attractive smile.
Mediate, practice yoga. It helps you to release your stress and free yourself from the earthly problems.
Don't sit and worry for petty things. Get out and achieve more.
Help people to the level you can.
Have a great little ahead!