Why a bird have a tale like structure in its back tip???
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Birds have tail made up of a bunch of feathers which is controlled by muscles.
Like cats need their tail for safe landing all birds need their tail for safe landing perching and taking off.
My physics sir have done a funny yet cruel experiment in his home for the sake of verifying the necessity of tail. He said this in the rotational dynamics class at angular momentum conservation section.
He had a neighbourhood cat which was sitting after a good meal near his house wall. He asked his wife for a duct tape. My sir hastily taped the tail to the cats belly and pulled it down to fall to ground. The cat fell down on her 4 legs with a thud. This is the proof that the need of tail is to balance the posture when landing and taking off gracefully. Actually this is angular momentum conservation and I am not going to talk about it further here.
The birds tail has the same function. Birds tail also have an oil gland called preen gland which makes the feather streamlined shape. Haven't you seen the birds with their beak shaping their feathers. yeah that's it.
Birds have tail made up of a bunch of feathers which is controlled by muscles.
Like cats need their tail for safe landing all birds need their tail for safe landing perching and taking off.
My physics sir have done a funny yet cruel experiment in his home for the sake of verifying the necessity of tail. He said this in the rotational dynamics class at angular momentum conservation section.
He had a neighbourhood cat which was sitting after a good meal near his house wall. He asked his wife for a duct tape. My sir hastily taped the tail to the cats belly and pulled it down to fall to ground. The cat fell down on her 4 legs with a thud. This is the proof that the need of tail is to balance the posture when landing and taking off gracefully. Actually this is angular momentum conservation and I am not going to talk about it further here.
The birds tail has the same function. Birds tail also have an oil gland called preen gland which makes the feather streamlined shape. Haven't you seen the birds with their beak shaping their feathers. yeah that's it.

Thnx ,,, its great...
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