why did british encourage the spread of european learning
The fundamental aspect of British scheme of education was to promote English education.
a. British wanted to introduce modern western education to serve their economic interests as English education would convince Indians about the superiority of British goods which were machine made, it would make Indians recognize the advantages of trade and commerce.
b. Indians would recognize the importance of developing resources.
c. Modern education would bring about a change in their tastes and desires.
d. English education would create a class of people who could be part of civil service and serve their administrative purpose.
e. To civilize India.
f. To spread Christianity.
g. To consolidate British's power and position in the country.
h. British wanted to establish their cultural domination with spread of English language.
i. British considered the task of civilising India as their moral responsibility, and therefore believed that modern western education would make people rational and scientific.
Hope helps.
Most British officials began to question the orientalist view of learning from the beginning of the 19th century. They said that Orientalist education awareness was riddled with errors and unscientific thought. East literature was erroneous and non-scientific. They argued that it was unfair of the British to make so much effort to encourage the study of Sanskrit and Arabic.
James Mill was one of the Orientalists attackers. He said that the British effort should not teach what the indigenous people want, or what they admire to satisfy and "gain a place within your heart." Understanding what is beneficial and realistic should be a priority of education. Instead of the poetry and literature of the Orient, Indians should know of the advances in science and technology made by the West. By 1830, attacks on Orientalist education became stronger. Thomas Babington Macaulay was one of the most open-minded and influential critics of the time. He found India to be an uncivilized country.
There is, according to him, no branch of eastern knowledge comparable to that created by England. He advised the British government to stop spending public money on Oriental learning in India, because that was of no practical use. Macaulay emphasized the need to teach English with great energy and passion. He felt that English knowledge would permit Indians to read some of the world's finest literature, to teach them about western science and philosophy. English teaching could be a way to civilize people and change their attitudes, values and culture. The Education Act of 1835 was adopted after Macaulay's minute.
The decision was to make English a higher education medium and stop promoting Oriental institutes such as Calcutta Madrasa and Banaras Sanskrit University. These institutions were seen as' temples of darkness that have fallen to decline.' English textbooks were now being prepared for schools. This reiterated the practical benefits of the European learning system as opposed to Oriental knowledge and outlined the educational policy to be pursued in India. Despatch pointed economically to one of the practical uses. European learning, he said, will encourage India to realize the advantages flowing from trade and trade expansion and make them understand the value of improving the country's resources. It would change their tastes and wishes and create demand for British products, so that Indians would begin to appreciate and buy goods made in Europe
To know more
Write a short note on the uses of european learning as per wood's despatch
Benefits of European learning