Why do all the frogs stop croaking all at once suddenly?
Ello user !!!!!!!!!
Here is your answer,
Frogs croak mainly to advertise for mating.
Some frogs use silence to answer a male frog's croak, others stop because they have found a mate, and sometimes they just have to sleep.
Frogs and toads only call when they are breeding. The calls are basically advertisements to females to come closer and to males to stay away. Of course, a calling frog also says to every predator in the area, “Here I am. Come and eat me.” So basically, frogs use their calls to get mates and then they shut up. The breeding season of each species is different, however. Wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), for example, start calling when there is still ice on the ponds and call like crazy for a few weeks and then don’t make another sound the rest of the year. Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), on the other hand, don’t start calling until mid-late spring and then continue well into summer. Even during their mating season, frogs and other amphibians can be very sensitive to environmental factors in terms of when they call. It’s impossible to know what flipped the switch on your frogs without knowing which species you were hearing and what the weather conditions were, but if I had to take a wild stab, I would guess that you had a few hot and/or windy days and the frogs stopped to wait for better conditions.
hope it helps you ❤️