Why do Boomerangs Come Back?
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Most kids have seen boomerangs thrown into the sky only to return right back to the person who threw it. In fact, for most of us, that is the essence of the boomerang: it comes back to you.
Believe it or not, though, not all boomerangs come back. So what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick! OK, that may be an old joke, but there's certainly some truth to it.
Not all boomerangs are designed to come back. Boomerangs were first invented thousands of years ago as weapons. As throwing sticks, they were designed to use to hunt animals for food. They were meant to bring down game, not to fly through the air and return to the thrower.
The oldest Australian boomerangs used by native peoples are over 10,000 years old. Even older hunting sticks have been found in Europe, though. A mammoth's tusk used as a hunting stick was found in the mountains of Poland, and it dates back about 30,000 years.
Returning boomerangs developed from throwing sticks used for hunting. Like the Frisbee, their main purpose has always been mainly for sport or leisure— just the sheer pleasure of throwing the boomerang the right way so that it returns to the thrower.
Believe it or not, though, not all boomerangs come back. So what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick! OK, that may be an old joke, but there's certainly some truth to it.
Not all boomerangs are designed to come back. Boomerangs were first invented thousands of years ago as weapons. As throwing sticks, they were designed to use to hunt animals for food. They were meant to bring down game, not to fly through the air and return to the thrower.
The oldest Australian boomerangs used by native peoples are over 10,000 years old. Even older hunting sticks have been found in Europe, though. A mammoth's tusk used as a hunting stick was found in the mountains of Poland, and it dates back about 30,000 years.
Returning boomerangs developed from throwing sticks used for hunting. Like the Frisbee, their main purpose has always been mainly for sport or leisure— just the sheer pleasure of throwing the boomerang the right way so that it returns to the thrower.
Answered by
- When a boomerang is thrown correctly, the airfoil provides the necessary lift for the boomerang to stay in the air.
- The reason why a boomerang comes back is due to a phenomenon known as gyroscopic precession.
- it is this torque that makes the boomerang tilt and gradually return to the thrower.
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