Physics, asked by chanchalkhangar, 1 year ago

Why does a loaded Freighter sit lower than an empty one?


Answered by pipi
 this is because the density of empty freighter is less than the loaded one and higher the density more will be the depth to which the freighter sinks. Hope to answer you well
Archimedes principle states that the loss in weight of a body suspended in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. 
(fluid = any liquid or gas) 

A floating body "loses" all of its weight, and Archimedes 
principle can be re-written as the "Principle of Flotation" which states that the weight of the floating body is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. 

A freighter floating in water displaces its own weight of water. 

Imagine the freighter moving out of the water, without the 
water moving back to take its place. It leaves a "hole" in the water. The water required to fill this hole would weigh the same as the freighter. 
If the freighter becomes lighter, the weight of water also 
becomes less, and the water displaced weighs less. There is less water displaced and the freighter therefore floats higher in the water. 

A freighter weighing 50000 tons will displace 50000 tons 
of water when it floats, and the freighter is said to have a displacement of 50000 tons

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