Geography, asked by chocodudle, 11 months ago

why is asia known as continent of contrast?

no spam plz thankyou


Answered by hamanta123

Why is Asia called the land of contrasts:

Asia is a land of contrasts in a number of ways.

It is home to global economies (India and Japan), a controlled economy (China) and a totalitarian economy (North Korea). There are capitalistic, socialistic and mixed economies in Asia.

It is also home to some of the largest economies (China, India and Japan) and some of the smallest (Maldives, Bhutan, etc.). 

The geography is also diverse, with deserts in some place, oceans in others and flat lands in yet other places. 

The natural resources are also non-uniformly distributed, with some of the largest oil reserves in the Mid-East and Russia, while total scarcity in Japan.

It is also home to different types of governing systems. India has the largest democracy in the world, while China is the largest communist country (in terms of population) and North Korea is a totalitarian regime. Some countries have monarchies (Nepal, Saudi Arabia, etc.; although they may co-exist with some form of elected government). Religious leaders rule some countries.

Some places have better employment prospects and higher standards of living (such as Japan and South Korea), while others are war-torn (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) and suffer from famines, droughts, epidemics, terrorism, etc.

It has countries with some of the largest armed forces in the world (China and India), while some have limited self-defense capability (Mauritius). The distribution of nuclear weapons is a similar story, with some nuclear powers (China, India, Pakistan, Japan) and others non-nuclear...

Answered by shashankasai

Perhaps because it has a great variety of climate, from cold and wet to hot and dry, and terrain, from the mountainous Himalayas to the steppes , and of people, speaking many different languages and many different cultures.

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