why is universal adult franchise important for a success of a democracy?
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The right of the people to vote and elect their representatives is called franchise. Theword franchise is derived from the French word franc which means free. It means free exercise of the right to choose ones representatives.Adult franchisemeans that theright to vote should be given to all adult citizens without the discrimination of caste, class,colour, religion.It is based on equality which is a basic principle of democracy. It demands that the right tovote should be equally available among all. To deny any class of persons from exercisingthis right is to violate their right to equality. In fact, the spirit of democracy can be maintainedonly if the people are given the right to vote without any discrimination. The exercise ofright to vote adds to the individuals self-respect, dignity, sense of responsibility, and politicaland civic education. In other words, the system of adult franchise is the bedrock of ademocratic system. People are called political sovereign because they possess the right tovote a government into power, or to vote a government out of power. That is why democracyhas sometimes been described as a mode of appointing, controlling and dismissing governments.
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Universal adult franchise means that our constitution gives right to the people who are 18 or above 18 years of age to vote.
This right gives people an opportunity to actively participate in the political process of the country.
They elect their representatives who constitutes the parliament and makes the democracy of the country.
Here; DEMOCRACY is the form of government which helps to maintain the rules and laws of the country.
And when people elect them this would strengthen the democracy of the country.
Hope this will help you.
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