English, asked by wwwnuralam11bd, 5 months ago

why our workers are doing odd jobs?​


Answered by Anonymous


Several advantages to odd jobs include short-term commitments, quick pay and unexpected cash in the pocket. The elusive trick to earning miscellaneous income is identifying who out there is willing to pay that little extra for a service you can offer to free up his or her valuable time. There are many benefits to working odd jobs which greatly outweigh the notion that they are not full time or even part time jobs. Certainly if you’re between jobs, looking to make a little extra money or try something new, can be hugely beneficial and well worth giving a serious look at instead of ignoring. It’s always better to be working than it is to not be working, odd jobs can be beneficial whilst looking for permanent employment. So long as your odd jobs are framed in a positive light, they can be a very favourable addition to your employment history.

The other great thing about odd jobs, apart from cash in hand, is that when you’re earning money, you’re not out spending money. An odd job can be anywhere from a one off one hour odd job, or a week to a month’s worth of odd job employment. This can be quite a helpful relief for some, lots of extra hours doing odd jobs is necessary just to cover costs and stay out of debt and for those trying to live below their means who have the time and the inclination odd jobs are a great way to get some flexible cash. And if you’re careful with it, a surprising amount can actually wind up back in a savings account. One of the best things you can do is to make a list of the things you love to do. Find a way to make one of them pay for itself and possibly pay you. Next, make a list of things you can do and look around to see if anyone else is doing them. Again, pick out at least one to pursue

Answered by Anonymous


➺ Due to:

  • short term commitements
  • Quick pay
  • Unexpected cash in the pocket

there are many benefits for workers who does odd jobs..


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