write 5 qualities of soap
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Bubbly – this gives the soaps ability to lather.
Cleansing – the ability of the soap to trap the dirt on the skin and wash it away.
Hardness – the firmness of the soap bar.
Conditioning – the amount of moisture that is left on the skin.
Creamy – this measures the stability and creaminess of the soap lather
Cleansing – the ability of the soap to trap the dirt on the skin and wash it away.
Hardness – the firmness of the soap bar.
Conditioning – the amount of moisture that is left on the skin.
Creamy – this measures the stability and creaminess of the soap lather
सफाई - त्वचा पर गंदगी को फँसाने के लिए साबुन की क्षमता और इसे धो लें।
कठोरता - साबुन बार की दृढ़ता।
कंडीशनिंग - त्वचा पर छोड़ी नमी की मात्रा।
मलाईदार - यह साबुन पाउडर की स्थिरता और मलाईदारता को मापता है
Answered by
1-soap has cleansing action with water.
2-It forms white insoluble prespitate (scum)in hard water.
3-It contains water soluble(hydrophilic) and oil soluble(hydrophobic) part.
4-'soap has a pleasant smell .
5-soap is prepared from higher fatty acids.
2-It forms white insoluble prespitate (scum)in hard water.
3-It contains water soluble(hydrophilic) and oil soluble(hydrophobic) part.
4-'soap has a pleasant smell .
5-soap is prepared from higher fatty acids.
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