write a article on way to save water
Save Water
Water is an urgent necessity of life in all the areas of work like household, agriculture, domestic, industry, etc. It is the nature’s precious gifts to us for the continuity of life on the earth. All the living things need more water for their survival as their body consists mostly of water. Human body is consists of two thirds of water. Water doesn’t have any colour, odour, taste and shape however it provides all to us in our life.
Importance of Clean Water in our Life
71% of the earth surface is covered with water. It is vital to all forms of life found on the earth. It is found below the ground, oceans, large water bodies, and small water reservoirs. Water is also available in many forms like vapor, clouds, precipitation, surface water, glaciers, polar ice caps, etc. The life cycle of water runs all around on the earth continuously through evaporation, precipitation, runoff, rain, etc. Apart from this, we lack clean drinking water in many areas of the country. Water scarcity is the lack of access to the safe water. Slowly, it is being hard to manage the quality of water for the people who lack it. In some areas, lack of water is the daily problem. People have to suffer a lot the scarcity of water. It takes a lot of efforts, cost and time to manage the access of water to all especially in the areas of water scarcity. It is a big issue to many countries worldwide. People having sufficient water do not understand the importance of water and they waste a lot water on daily basis in many unnecessary activities.
As we all know that around 2 or less percent water is fresh water on the earth and fit for human consumption. Most of the water is locked up in glaciers, snow, ice and others are in the form of open source. The main source of freshwater is groundwater because of the natural filtering system. The matter of freshwater availability raises the question about water security as well as people’s access to it at affordable price. The depth of ground water is increasing with the huge climatic changes in the environment. Clean water insecurity at many places has increased due to the draught and natural disasters without season. In the coming decades the demand of clean water supply will increase because of populations growth, need of agriculture and industry will expand, negative climatic changes, etc.
It’s time to join our hands together and take effective actions regarding save water as much as possible. There are different ways we can save huge water on daily basis. Water saving can be done through water conservation methods. Saving water and protective it from being dirty has been very necessary to meet current and future demand. Climate change is another factor of water scarcity. As water demands will increase in future, it should be saved to ensure its availability for future generations. If we do not take positive action, the condition will be more embarrassing when the rate of lack of fresh water from an ecosystem exceeds to its natural replacement rate. By minimizing the need of water to human; freshwater habitats, local wildlife and migrating birds can be saved. We should bring many positive changes in our habits and activities to save even a drop of water.
Lack of water is a big issue in many countries. It is a symbiotic factor and important element to which life depends on. The level of drinking water under the ground is becoming less because of the disturbance in the natural filtering system. Deforestation and lack of plants causes rain water to run away instead of going inside the ground. We should follow all the key activities regarding save water from loss, unnecessary use and waste as well as damage of water quality.
Water is the most required element that is surely a need of life on earth. We cannot imagine existence of any kind of living thing on earth without water. This fact has now become the bitter truth of life as the current situation of water on earth is not in well condition. Though the level of water has increased in seas due to heavy rainfall but the fresh and clean water is still left in fewer amounts on earth.
According to the statistics, it is found that only 1% of total water is left which is useful for human kind and 98.5% is available in sea which is salted water and not worth for existence of life.
Survival on earth completely depends on the fresh and pure water. A human body requires 2 to 3 litre (half to one gallon) of water for drinking purpose and 150 to 200 litre water is used for household activities in a day. Most of the fresh water is used in washing, cleaning and flushing toilet daily at home. Apart from conserving water from drinking or cooking purpose we need to modify the way of using water for other household activities in order to save it for future. A little step taken by us in manner to save water may show a tremendous positive result and will be proved very beneficial in future.
Better to use stored water for cleaning dishes, washing clothes, plantation, wiping or moping. Use of tabs or shower should be limited to avoid wastage of running water. Idea of storing rainfall may be effective by using this water in to other house hold work like sprinkling land, tree plantation or other work apart from cooking or drinking.
Results always require efforts, without doing proper efforts we cannot even imagine things to be better. Water is the precious gift by God given to us and proper management of water should be our first priority.