CBSE BOARD XII, asked by js20201234, 1 year ago

Write a detailed note on the role of Internet in disseminating education, especially through open and distance mode of learning.​


Answered by afsardaniya5


Open and distance learning is getting more dependent on information and communication technology (ICT) and has been playing an important role in the delivery strategies of distance learning. With the advancement in technology in the field education has introduces variety of new techniques for educators and learners to enhance knowledge. Educational technologies (information and communication technology) are replacing direct teacher-student interaction. Anything that helps distance learners to communicate: learner with instructor, learner with learner and learner with the learning materials may be term as information technology. Technological advancements especially in the area of ICT allow teachers to employ various strategies that could actively engage student's interest. This paper focuses the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in open and distance education. This study also explores technology-based media which is very important for distance learners.

Answered by sarojk1219

Internet Plays an important role in disseminating education.

Step by step Explanation:

  • In modern era the Internet is the medium to distribute the knowledge from one end to another end. In disseminating of education Internet has the most important key player to learn and teach as well.
  • In open and distance learning a person can get the knowledge at his own place from a teacher through video call or online solutions.
  • Internet is the modest form of communication where a person can learn new technology/courses/ methods from different different sources.
  • In advancement of technology the role of education distribution has spread out all over the world.
  • Open and distance learning is the best part of education distribution where a person can learn and get a degree without going college/schools. In this kind of education mode the person can take help of Internet, because internet is having so many sources of teaching and learning which can be understood by easy examples with the help of animation and videos.
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