Economy, asked by purnendu39, 1 year ago

write a essay on Women education​


Answered by titu36


Girl Education in India is largely essential for the growth of the nation because girls can do most of the things better than the boys. Nowadays girl education is necessary and is also compulsory because girls are the future of the country. In India, girl’s education is necessary as to develop socially and economically. Educated women yield a positive impact on Indian society through their contribution in professional fields like – medical, defence services, science and technology. They do good business and are also well-versed in handling their home and office. An improved economy and society are the outcome of girl’s education. Educated women can also help in controlling the population of the country by marrying at the right or later age in comparison to the uneducated women.

Women education in early Indian society was quite good but in the middle age, it was not because of numerous limitations towards women. However, again it is getting improved and better day by day as people in India have understood the fact that without the growth and development of women, the growth of the country is not possible. It is very true that equivalent expansion of both sexes will boost the economic and social growth in every area of the country.

Answered by tusharthakur8


essay on women education

Women education is very important for the country to fully develop. It is like an effective medicine to cure a patient completely and provide health back. Women education is a big opportunity for India to be developed socially and economically. Educated women are the weapon who yield positive impact on the Indian society through their contribution at home and professional fields. They are the reason of improved economy in the country as well as society. An educated woman has capability to handle her home and professional life. They can effectively contribute in controlling the population of India as they would like to marry at a later age in comparison to the uneducated woman.


The women education in ancient India was quite good but in the middle age it was deteriorated because of many restrictions against women. However, again it is getting better and better day by day as modern people in India understand that without the growth and development of women, the development of country is not possible. It is very true that equal growth of both sex will increase the economic and social development in every areas of the country.

Women should be given equal opportunity in education like men and they should not be isolated from any development activities. Women covers almost half population of the country means if women are uneducated the half country is uneducated which bring poor socio-economic condition. Through the women education the social and economic development will be faster in India. To spread the importance and improve the level of women education all over the country, countrywide national propaganda and awareness programmes are very necessary. An educated woman can educate her whole family and thus whole country.

In terms of population, India is the second largest country of the world due to the low level women education. If a woman is uneducated, the future of country would also be uneducated. Women education was the matter of concern in India in the middle age however, it has been now solved to a great extent. Women education has been given a lot of priority in India just like men to bring some positive changes in the social and economic status of the country. In the past women were not allowed to go out of the door of their houses. They were only limited to the domestic works as their education.

Raja Ram Mohan Ray and Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar were some famous social reformers during the British rule in India who paid their attention towards the women education. Both man and woman covers the half half population of the country. They are like two sides of the coin so need equal opportunity to participate in the country development. One cannot exist without other because women are everything as they give birth to the future generation. If they would be well educated they would give rise educated future generation and thus healthy social and economic condition in India.

hope you like it

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