English, asked by kalyaniradha38, 1 year ago

Write a letter to the editor of a National daily expressing your concern about the irreparable harm we are doing to the existence of the earth with the advancement of Technologies.


Answered by upenderjoshi28

15 – A

Green Avenue


June 7, 2017


The Editor

The HT


Subject: Reckless Advancement Harming Planet Earth

Dear Sir:

I write to your good self to express my concern and anguish over the deteriorating condition of the health, beauty, and purity of planet Earth caused by reckless technological advancement. It appears as if we are living on an insecure planet. Reckless exploitation of natural resources such as colossal deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, industrialization, urbanization, etc. have wreaked havoc on our Planet that used to be so beautiful and safe. Man thought all the heavy machines that he invented would make his life more comfortable! However, in search of comfort and his limited understanding, these machines have done more harm than good. He could not handle the fallout of his own inventions and so called advancement.


His parochial outlook and greed have caused melting glaciers, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, air pollution, ozone layer depletion that have further jeopardized the very existence of animal and plants life. Through the medium of your esteemed daily I appeal to the people as well as the concerned authorities to look into the criticality of the situation and contribute responsibly in preserving our planet Earth. It is the shared responsibility of all the inhabitants of the world. Thanking you.


Yours truly,




rishilaugh: :) You had kahlil gibran in your mind :P
upenderjoshi28: I usually use his name in most of my writings; I like the name a lot...
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