English, asked by lakshay4281, 10 months ago

write a letter to the editor of a newspaper is to raising voice against child abuse.


Answered by sathya192
e reason for this letter is to educate and discourage and hopefully reduce the cases of child abuse in Iowa. According to House File 562, the failure on the part of a person responsible for the care of a child to provide for necessary care including food, shelter and other care essential for the child’s welfare, provided it is in the person’s financial capability.

Over 3 million reports of child abuse are made every year in the United States, and it is believed there are still many more cases unreported and undisclosed. The number of child deaths per day due to child neglect and abuse are also increasing to terrifying numbers.

Child abuse can have many harmful consequences. Of abused children, 25 percent are more likely to experience teen pregnancy. Also, abused teens are less likely to practice safe sex, exposing them to medical risks like STDs. There are many other cases where abused children are more likely to commit crimes, abuse their own children, drugs and alcohol abuse, and it becomes a never-ending cycle of destructive behavior if child abuse is not prevented.

There are many programs and legislation in the United States that help prevent child abuse. Studies show it is critical to invest early in children, such as raising them in an appropriate living home and providing love and cares for them. Children are the future, and it is our responsibility to raise them in the best condition as possible.

Prevent Child Abuse in Iowa’s fundamental mission is to end child abuse in the entire state of Iowa. It focuses on the fact that prevention is the key to stop child abuse, most of its efforts involve treating children and families after abuse have been occurred.

Please support and participate in the Prevent Child Abuse in Iowa program and let us all come together to prevent child abuse and eliminate this issue once and for all.

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