write a letter to the editor of local daily to draw attention to the inconvenience caused to the commuters due to vendors at crossing on the roads
Sub:- Inconvenience caused due to vendors at crossing on the roads.
Sir, Through your esteemed newspaper I want to draw attention of concerned authorities towards problem of encroachment of footpaths.
One can see vendors and hawkers on footpaths especially near metro stations, bus stands and market areas. This compels the pedestrians to move on the roads. Roads are already congested. During office hours this creates a big problem. Many accidents also happen due to this.
We have written many letters to the concerned department but in vain. All our requests are falling on deaf ears. Your newspaper is our last ray of hope. I expect that you will understand the gravity of the problem and kindly provide it some space in your newspaper.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,Mahira Dutta.
Defence Colony,
New Delhi-110022.
12 February, 20xx.
The Editor,
The Times of India,
New Delhi-110018.
Subject: Menace of vendors at the crossing on roads
I am a regular reader of your newspaper and wish to use the columns of your esteemed daily to bring to the notice of the authorities the urgent need to check the menace of vendors selling their wares at the crossing on major roads.
Commuters have to stop their vehicles at the road crossing if the traffic light flashes red. Many vendors and beggars wait for this opportunity to pounce on the cars or scooters to cajole the owners to part with their money. The wares on offer vary from small toys to magazines, cloth dusters to paper napkins. They are extremely persuasive and some of them are even rude; instances of some vendors verbally abusing the commuters have also been reported. They bang on the car windows and shout for attention. The distraction caused by them can lead to an accident. Some gangs of robbers use the services of vendors to distract commuters to grab valuables from inside the cars. The traffic police should come down heavily upon these vendors who operate without a proper licenec and cause inconvenience to commuters.
I hope that the concerned authorities will take appropriate steps to check this nuisance.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,