write a letter to the managing director of apollo hospital requesting him to think about constructing a hospital in silchar so that people of this region can benefit from the latest range of treatment available in medical science. mention that the present way of treatment in hospitals in under par.
48 – G
Green Avenue
November 13, 2018
The Managing Director
Apollo Hospitals
New Delhi
Subject: Construction of a new hospital in Silchar
I am writing this letter to bring to your kind notice lack of health and medical facilities in our area. As a result the residents have to face many problems. Owing to this lack many tragedies have happened. The news of death of many babies and small children due to encephalitis and dengue was much in the news and the Government came in severe flak from the press for this. I strongly feel many of the deaths could have been averted if there were proper hospitals in the nearby areas. 5 children from our area would have been saved if any hospital would have been there to look after them.
Similarly there are other diseases for whose treatment the residents have to run to far off places. Number of cancer patients is also rising. The few hospitals that are around can cater to only ordinary ailments.
I appeal to you to look into this serious matter. I on behalf of all the residents appeal to you for the construction of a hospital at Salchar. Looking forward to a prompt response from your side.
Yours faiyhfully,
Surbhi Singh