Write a letter to the municipal commissioner suggesting various method to preserve the wildlife in your city
Green Avenue
The Chairman
The Municipal Commissioner
December 5, 2018
Subject: Preserving wildlife
I am writing to your good self to bring to your kind notice the pathetic state of wild-life in and around our city. The bitter truth is there is no wild-life left at all. Unplanned industrialization and urbanization have swallowed up the little wild life we had.
This dwindling wild-life is an ominous indicator for the environment. Wild-life such as trees, plants, birds, animals, aquatic animals are an integral part of our ecology. Their presence is a must for a salubrious environment.
I on behalf of all the residents of the city appeal to you to look into the matter and take measures to preserve wild life by banning cutting of trees and poaching and killing of the few wild animals left in the few wild life patches left around the city.
These wild life spots should be taken well care of by building fences around them and not allowing any trespassing into them. Local people should also be involved in this preservation program.
I hope you will look into it and take prompt measures.
Yours truly,
Nandita Sharma