English, asked by kumaraakash74741, 8 months ago

Write a letter to the police commissnor requesting to post two constables in order to maintain the discipline of traffic


Answered by shubham1115


The Commissioner

The Police Lines


August 8, 2017

Subject: The Problem of Traffic Jams


I wish to bring to your highness’s notice the problem of traffic jams in the city. The problem is so serious that every day almost all the roads become impassable owing to the long traffic jams. Owing to the lack of strict action, the problem persists.

There are many causes of these jams such as narrow roads, excess amount of vehicles, street vendors, absence of traffic police at all the crucial traffic monitoring points, etc.  These jams are causing a huge loss to the national resources. Not only time is wasted, fuel worth millions of rupees also gets wasted. 

I think making some of the roads one way along with the deployment of traffic cops will ease up the situation a little bit until proper infrastructure is constructed. A heavy fine should be levied against the defaulters. I on behalf of the citizens of Ludhiana appeal to you to look into the matter and relieve the citizens of the menace of jams caused by the above mentioned causes.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


Hope it helps

Mark me brainliest

Answered by SidhantVerma77


I am writing only the body.


I want to draw your kind attention towards the pathetic condition of maintaining the discipline of traffic. People in their hurry don't care to follow the traffic signals. The pedestrians tend to cross the roads from anywhere they want and are in turn hit by speeding vehicles. The truck drivers, generally drunk and drive, the young rash scooterists do reckless driving.

Therefore, I am requesting you to post two constables in order to maintain the discipline of traffic.

I would be highly obliged if you grant the above request.

Thanking you in anticipation.


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