English, asked by hsjajaksh, 1 year ago

write a letter to your school going younger brother who is sleep deprived and advise him to make Lifestyle changes


Answered by Aasiyaalmani123
 Dear brother:
                        Asslam u ALaikum, i m fine with the Grace of Allah Almighty..i 
                         hope u would be better too.... My dearest bro , i have listened
                        from my parents that u r sleep deprived and u are not going to                          school for 7 days. The principal had also warned u otherwise
                              u will be stricted off... U know what there are so many
                        disadvantages of sleep deprivation... You know lack of sleep
                           can make u grumppy anf froggy. Sleep plays a crictal role in
                            thinking and learning. Lack of sleep hurts these cognetive                                  processes in many ways. If u dont get enough sleep, you
                              wont be able to remember what you learned and                                              experienced during the day. Sleep deprivation can put 
                               you at a risk on  heart disease , heart attack, irregular  
                                heartbeat , high blood pressure, stroke , diabetes e.t.c.
                                My bro u r so young and a school going student.. You                                       were never ever lazy in everything... You have to fight
                                with your problem so that u may be able to go school 
                                properly and become an attentive boy... I personally
                                 advise u that change ur lifestyle by changing ur routine
                                  First of all, when u wake up from ur sleep, just think 
                                  positive and recite Holy Quran , remember that Allah  
                                   is with you...Then eat breakfast , go for a walk... Do
                                 work as possible as you can.. be relax.. entertain urself
                                    At night on 11;00 just put ur work down and go to bed
                                  think what u have done and again read some Quranic                                        Ayats. Tlk to ALLah, share ur problem with him..close
                                       ur eyes and Inshallah u will enjoy a calm sleep.. 
                                      on the next day, u would be able to go school and                                             can  be attentive.....Hope u will follow it.. Take care                                             dear.
                 your lovely sister


Aasiyaalmani123: plzz mark it as brainlist
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