Write a note on the history of women participation in india and they became the role model for other female section of society
India has a rich and vibrant women's movement but it has still a long way to go to achieve gender equality and gender justice. ... Women played a prominent role and led demonstrations, invented and shouted militant slogans and mobilised the masses. As women's militancy developed, gender based issues were raised.
The status of women in India has been subject to many changes over the span of recorded Indian history.[4] Their position in society deteriorated early in India's ancient period, especially in the Indo-Aryan speaking regions,[a][5][b][6][c][7] and their subordination continued to be reified well into India's early modern period.[d][8] Practises such as female infanticide, dowry, child marriage and the taboo on widow remarriage, have had a long duration in India, and have proved difficult to root out, especially in caste Hindu society in northern India