Write a paragraph on “how republic day is celebrated in delhi”
The Republic Day of India is celebrated on 26th January each year. The Republic Day celebration last for three days. Read on to know more about how Republic Day is celebrated in India and which programs are conducted on the occasion of Republic Day every year throughout India.
Republic Day is celebrated in India very year on January 26. It is a national holiday and the major celebration is done in New Delhi where the President of India hoists and National Flag and the rest of the scheduled programs are carried out.
Republic Day Celebrations in New Delhi
Read on and find out how Republic Day is celebrated in Delhi.
Paying Tribute to Soldiers and Flag Hoisting: The Prime Minister of India visits Amar Jawan Jyoti and gives tribute to the soldiers who sacrificed their life for the nation. The national Flag is hoisted by the President of India. This is followed by the march past of the three armed forces and then the parades and processions carried on by different states that participate in the grand show.
Achievements of Different Department: Different departments of Indian organisations like electricity, telecom, aerospace, atomic energy and many more that have contributed in the development of India in past few years also participate in the show and make it known to everyone out there about their achievements.
Dance Performances and Award Ceremony: Participants of different organizations and schools offer dance, tabloids and short skits in which they demonstrate their achievements. There are different types of folk dances performed by various groups. The President of India presents prizes and awards to brave children and people that are being referred and nominated from different parts of the country.
All the ceremonies are telecasted all over India and people throughout India sit and watch the program with full enthusiasm. It is not that only children enjoy and participate in the various types of cultural programs, men and women of all ages share the same enthusiasm and zeal throughout the auspicious day.
Republic Day Celebration at India Gate: The second day of the celebration is done on India Gate and the programs are performed by the NCC cadets of India. These cadets arrive from different states, districts and they have gone through vigorous training and practice and only after excelling in their talents they get selected to perform the programs.
Closing Ceremony of Republic Day Celebration: The end of the Republic Day celebration on the third day is done with the beating the Retreat program. This is done on January 29, when the closing ceremony takes place. In the evening the programs are completed with the famous martial tune 'Sare jahan se achcha' and in the end the national Anthem is played to announce the commencement of that year's program.
Republic Day Celebrations in Other Parts in INDIA
The Republic day celebrations are carried out all over India. The governor of every state hoists the National Flag in the capital of the state and the developments of the various departments of different organizations share their contributions done in the development of that particular state.
The celebrations are also done in Gram Panchayats and this shows that the democracy in India can be seen even at the grass root level. The entire nation participates, enjoys and wishes for the prosperity of India.
The highest authority of each level initiates the programs and the enthusiasm is shared by all the people living there. The pledge that was taken at the time of the making of the Constitution of India is renewed.
Republic Day parade is the best place to know about the varied cultural heritage of India and anyone from all over the world who wants to know about the tradition and at the same time the developments of the state or India as a whole, he can watch the Republic day parade and learn about them.
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