English, asked by danishhusianash, 1 year ago

write a paragraph on what makes me angry?


Answered by myrakincsem
The thing that make me angry is the continues noise. After coming to the home i want to rest and sleep for some time but if that time , any body or vehicle makes the noise i got very angry at that moment . Because i think there should have be a complete silent around when someone is resting. But sometimes things don't goes accordingly always that's why whenever i face this kind of situation this gets to my nerves and starting shouting on the person  doing this.
Answered by sawakkincsem
We get angry based on a reaction of a variety of things, people, circumstances, memories or personal problem, just to name a few. It can also be a response to a single event or a reaction to numerous events.
I hate when people around me criticize me and have no idea what I go through. This particular attitude of people makes me really angry and disturbed, initially. But with time, I realized that the only person who could help me dealing with this behavior of people is "myself " . I should make my inner stronger so that people's remarks and negative attitudes should not make me angry.
If anger is not controlled timely then unfortunately, it can get out of control and becomes destructive, causing a lot of problems.
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