Write a report in about 100words on a tree plantation programme organished in your school.Hints:Date,time,venue,participants,details of the programme-number if saplings planted-activities -conclusion

A tree plantation drive was observed at XYZ public school on 5th June on the occasion of Earth Day. The main aim of this drive was to spread and create awareness to protect the environment from degrading. The programme started with an influential speech from our principal on the effects of global warming and the importance of trees in our lives. Upon her instructions, the program further followed by students from each class planting saplings in the campus. In the group of five students, each group bought one sapling. The event was a success as each student contributed profoundly for this day. Further, the event was followed by a skit performed by the primary classes. They dressed as natural sources of the environment and enacted the play on the theme to save the environment from global warming. The skit influenced all so deeply that they were given standing ovation. Later the event was ended by taking an oath to prevent the environment from pollution by contributing little in our daily life.