English, asked by dhanaji999, 3 months ago

Write a S A on Baseball
I want 4 ,5 worksheets information ​


Answered by 31ishanvc


Essay on Basketball: Basketball is a crew sport, where there are two teams of five players each. The game is also commonly referred to as hoops. The teams face each other in a court, which is rectangular.

The main objective of the game is to score by shooting the ball to the opponent’s basket or hoop. The hoops are mounted on a ten feet high pole. Each goal is worth two points; three points if scored from behind the three-point line.


I hope it's correct

Answered by rathod9999


Baseball is a sport that is very popular in America and Canada. Nowadays, there are two leagues – the national and American league. These leagues are divided into three divisions – central, west and east. This sport was developed in other countries such as Japan and Latin America. The biggest international competition in this sport is called The World Baseball Classic.

How the game is played

The two teams each have nine players. One team take the offensive, that is the batting and running, while the other team takes the defensive position that is pitching- throwing the ball and defending.

The pitch is in the shape of a diamond with four ‘bases’ – first, second, third and fourth base. Four players from the offensive team are present on the pitch at one base each. The player in the batting position hits the pitched ball and runs to the second base while the players at the other bases also move to the next base in an anti-clockwise direction to make runs.

The other team tries to get the players out. Once three of the offensive players get ‘out’ the other team comes in to bat.

A match has nine innings, each of which is one turn of batting and one with the ball for each team.

The objective of the game

The team that makes more runs at the end of the nine innings is the winner. The aim of the offensive team to make as many runs as possible without getting out. The defensive team tries to get as many players from the offensive as possible while defending the pitch.

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